
Search results

  1. Wheat Crop Exceeds 2005 Production

    Extension appointment. Additionally, levels of Fusarium head blight, or head scab, ranged from low to ...

  2. Prepare Wheat Planting with Fall Herbicide Applications

    grasses. Jeff Stachler, an Ohio State University Extension weed specialist, said that a burndown ...

  3. Planting Wheat on Wheat Increases Disease Pressure

    harvested," said Paul, who also holds a partial Ohio State University Extension appointment. "This ...

  4. Soybean Aphid Arrival to Ohio Early

    populations don't first appear until late June. Ron Hammond, an Ohio State University Extension ...

  5. Ohio Wheat Speeding to Early Harvest, But Potentially Low Yields

    a concern this year at all," said Paul, who also holds an OSU Extension appointment. "If we ...

  6. Test Flood-Damaged Corn for Mold Before Feeding to Livestock

    who also holds an Ohio State University Extension appointment. "There are some concerns that corn ...

  7. High Tunnels May Protect Brambles from Winter Injury

    University Extension horticulturists are using them to improve winter hardiness of brambles. Shawn Wright, ...

  8. Project Focusing on Pawpaw for Preservation and Niche Crop

    as a potential niche market crop. Ohio State University Extension researchers at OSU South Centers at ...

  9. Market Expectations Overshoot Projected Crop Plantings

    shift is not as great as the markets expected. Matt Roberts, an Ohio State University Extension ...

  10. Ohio Could Set Record Wheat Yields

    University Extension plant pathologist and wheat specialist with the Ohio Agricultural Research and ...
