Awareness of entrepreneurial application in everyday Extension occurrences can improve Extension’s impact in a rapidly changing environment. While the term entrepreneur is often associated with business ventures, interest in entrepreneurial influences in Extension appear through decades of literature. With underlying tenets of mission-focused proactivity, agility and accountability, all Extension professionals express varying degrees of entrepreneurial tendencies, including administrators, specialists, agents, educators, office associates, and others who contribute to and support the Extension mission. Regardless of the position, Extension professionals can learn from research and practice related to entrepreneurial leadership.
Poster Presentation
During the 2024 Joint Council of Extension Professionals (JCEP) Extension Leadership Conference (ELC), Julie Fox and Ramona Madhosingh-Hector presented a poster on Everyday Entrepreneurial Leadership in Extension and shared related resources.
Extension professionals can learn from research and practice related to entrepreneurial leadership. Download this Bulletin to learn more.
Download this worksheet to explore and develop everyday entreprenerial leadeship opportunities in Extension.
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Acknowledgements & Contacts
- Julie M. Fox, Ph.D., The Ohio State University, CFAES, Associate Professor and
Extension Director of Strategic Initiatives and Urban Engagement, - Ramona Madhosingh-Hector, M.S., M.S.P., University of Florida/IFAS Extension, Regional Specialized Agent, Urban Sustainability. For more information about Ramona’s WCMER Fellowship work in this area, visit
- Michelle Gaston, The Ohio State University, managed project details in support of this Bulletin and related resources.