Member Types
If you would like to become a member of this Team, you have options. This helps cliffy expectations and commitment - you may switch member type at any time.
Core Members. Those persons central to the formation and operation of the team. Members who are or will be the owners of the purposes, goals and actions of the team, demonstrate its core values, fulfill its roles and responsibilities and operate the team effectively in order to serve the team’s clients and stakeholders. Members of the core team give leadership to working groups and address opportunities/issues related to statewide funding, research, communications, development. Need to re-visit historical documents in light of future plans.
Affiliate Members. Team members who have a particular interest in participating in one or more of the working groups – identify priorities/specific significant goals and address opportunities/issues related to the working group's funding, research, communications, development.
Information Members. Team members who want to receive and contribute information, but they not active in ongoing workings of the team. They can become affiliate members if they assume an identified role or task for the team. These members may provide links to resources that advance improvements with OSU Extension in the City.