Urban Agribusiness / Urban Ag Community / Urban Ag in Ohio
URBAN AG production: What, how, where, WHY
Many people are involved in urban ag production, based on multiple interests in what, where, how, and why they are in production.
What: fresh and value-added food, environmental horticulture, ag- and nature-based tourism experiences, forestry, fiber, and fuel
Where and How: Urban ag production happens in outdoor and indoor environments that are in Ohio's metropolitan areas and often flow through Ohio's urban, suburban, and rural communities. People are involved with urban ag production at home, schools, community spaces, and business locations.
Why: Multiple motivations influence producers, including economic, health, community, enviornmental, and social interests. Some produce primarily for personal and family reasons, while others build for-profit business enterprises, and others enage with schools for workforce development, community gardens in support of neighborhoods, and nonprofit organizations for social and public benefits. Regardless of the priamry motivation, all production plans benefit from a focus on environmental and financial sustainaibility.
- Fresh and value-added food
- Specialty crops (fruits and vegetables, other products, such as tree nuts, herbs and spices)
- Livestock (poultry: chicken, turkey, ducks, ginea/peafowl; ruminants: cattle, sheep, goats; swine; bees)
- Value-added food
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- Environmental horticulture
- Nursery crops (including floriculture)
- Ag- and nature-based tourism experiences
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- Forestry
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- Fiber
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- Fuel
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Resources Related to Where AND WHY You’re Producing
- Urban Ag with Schools, Community Gardens, Rain Gardens
- Land Access
- Soil Health and Water Quality
- Pollinators, Pests, and Other Production Influences
- Hoop Houses
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- Controlled Environment Production
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- Agroforestry
- Urban Agroforestry (national, publication - 2023)
[Resource/Story by Topic (type – publication, video, event, specialist contact, network - scope-nat’l, state, local)]