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Two-County Solution Offers Urban Nevada Kids a Rural Retreat

Marilyn Kirkpatrick had an out-of-the-box solution for her district’s parks problem that will, in turn, let hundreds of urban Clark County, Nevada kids out of a box of their own. With millions of dollars in tax revenue built up to create a new park, specifically a 4-H camp, the world would seem to be Commissioner Kirkpatrick’s oyster. But much like oysters, available land surrounding Las Vegas is in short supply, dramatically limited by federally owned land throughout the county — the norm for the state. Over three years, the largest plot she could find for the camp was 10 acres.

Why Community Spaces Matter

Community spaces are on the ascendancy. Almost as a reaction to the isolation of the pandemic, investment and interest are rising in shared spaces that bring neighbors together. Community spaces are all around us but we don’t think of them as a class of real estate. They are unified by the themes of improving community, civic and personal health, building power and lifting up voices of those disenfranchised by capitalism.

2023 Urban Landscape Pest Management Workshop Webinar

Commercial Pesticide Recertification - September 27, 2023

Sponsored by: Ohio State University Extension and Ohio Department of Agriculture

This online webinar is intended for individuals who hold a current commercial pesticide license. If you do not have a current pesticide license, please visit the New Applicator page. You need to attend the entire day to meet the five hours required for an Ohio commercial license.

OSU Extension 10-Year Urban Extension Report, Reflection, Recommendations

This OSU Extension 10-Year Urban Extension Report, Reflection, Recommendations provides a historical snapshot of Ohio State University (OSU) Extension’s approach to Ohio’s urban influence during the past 10 years, 2014-2023. Reflections and recommendations connect the past, present, and future. As OSU Extension continues to align strategy with the university, the college, Ohio communities, and national networks, this report provides guidance on integrating relevant strategy.

2023 Specialty Crop Block Grant Program

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) awarded over $604,000 in Fiscal Year 2023 Specialty Crop Block Grant Program (SCBGP) funding to Ohio. With this grant, the Ohio Department of Agriculture will fund projects that enhance the competitiveness of specialty crop products and create new market opportunities for the state’s specialty crop producers.


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