GROW Urban Agriculture Conference
Announcing the national GROW Urban Agriculture Conference
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Announcing the national GROW Urban Agriculture Conference
Ashley Kulhanek recently walked The High Line in New York City, a lush secret city garden. The High Line Park is built on an historic, elevated rail line that runs parallel to the Hudson River from Gansevoort St. near the meatpacking district and Chelsea Market, and West 30th St. and Hudson Yards. The park is roughly 20 blocks of a repurposed train overpass growing plants, trees, and displaying art for locals and tourists to enjoy. Read the article and see her pictures.
The North Central Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program (NCR-SARE) currently has open application windows for the following grant programs:
The Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA) has confirmed several new spotted lanternfly (SLF) infestations across the state, including Columbus and Toledo.
The Ohio State University is hiring an Urban Agriculture Specialist. This 12-month faculty member will lead a statewide Urban Agriculture team of faculty, staff, and students. They will lead urban ag system curriculum development and conduct research in collaboration with other CFAES urban-focused faculty members. They will serve as a Principal Investigator, managing grant funding, project leadership, and partner development.
A recent Purdue Extension publication summarizes opportunities and challenges for Indiana’s urban agriculturalists. The data is part of an urban agriculture needs assessment conducted by Purdue Extension. The bulletin presents the findings of the survey areas which sought to capture greater insight into urban ag production practices, the most pressing challenges facing urban ag, the issue areas producers are most interested in learning about, and where they prefer to go to gain new information to overcome their challenges.
There is a new pilot program from the USDA and farmers across the United States can now accept SNAP/EBT payments online through GrownBy. Share with your community folks.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) encourages urban producers, innovative producers and other stakeholders to submit comments for and virtually attend a public meeting of the Federal Advisory Committee for Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production (Committee) on August 1, 2023.
The Building an Entrepreneur-Friendly Community program provides the resources, training, and tools to develop community capacity to better understand and support the local entrepreneurial economy. Targeted for community leaders and elected officials, the customized community curriculum is designed to help local leaders understand the contribution of entrepreneurs to their local economy and jobs.
OSU Extension Employees Attend and Present at the National Urban Extension Leaders (NUEL) North Central Region Conference