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Policy Brief: The Time Is Ripe to Support Urban Agriculture

As Congress reconvenes, a coalition of advocates have published a policy brief calling on representatives to provide more support for urban agriculture through a new iteration of the Farm Bill, which has been in a state of limbo since expiring in September 2023. First established by the Farm Bill’s passage in 2018, the office wasn’t funded until 2020 and, even then, the funding was at only 20% of its authorized level.

OSU Extension Educator - Cuyahoga County, Urban ANR/CD

The Ohio State University Extension (Cuyahoga County) seeks an educator to work collaboratively with county, area, and state teams of OSU professionals and with local agency leaders and volunteers. The educator will be responsible for a broad range of basic to complex duties that could include but are not limited to: Providing guidance and/or leadership for Agriculture and Natural Resources and Community Development, targeted to local and area needs, focusing on urban audiences.

USDA Makes Acreage Reporting Improvements

Urban and innovative agriculture producers will be able to more easily participate in U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) programs as a result of acreage reporting improvements. These improvements, implemented by USDA’s Farm Service Agency, provide more flexibility for reporting acreage on a smaller scale and identifying innovative planting practices like multi-level planting or vertical farming practices.  


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