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OSU Extension Educator - Cuyahoga County, Urban ANR/CD

The Ohio State University Extension (Cuyahoga County) seeks an educator to work collaboratively with county, area, and state teams of OSU professionals and with local agency leaders and volunteers. The educator will be responsible for a broad range of basic to complex duties that could include but are not limited to: Providing guidance and/or leadership for Agriculture and Natural Resources and Community Development, targeted to local and area needs, focusing on urban audiences.

Tool to Help Unlock Insights About Financial Well-Being

Capturing a clear picture of Americans’ financial lives involves looking at not only financial metrics but also the circumstances that shape people’s everyday lives, such as access to health care and affordable child care.

But creating this holistic understanding can be difficult. Researchers, policymakers, and local officials must navigate a fragmented data landscape, which makes it challenging to understand people’s financial lives, much less develop solutions to improve them.

Urban Ag Specialist Interviews

On behalf of the search committee, we are pleased to announce three individuals have accepted our invitation to interview for the Urban Agriculture Field Specialist position. Interviews will be conducted on campus with a Zoom option. We hope you can participate as we seek to identify a faculty member to work across academic departments and with ANR educators engaged in urban agriculture. Following are details for the interviews along with links to application materials are included.


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