Entrepreneurial Networks

Introduction to Entrepreneurial Networks in the City

Networks and partnerships are essential to Extension in communities throughout the country. In larger cities, the netwoks are more vast, with thousands of potential large and small public and private collaborators. Even within one organization, there may be multiple points of contact. In working with diverse collaborators on community prioirites, Extension addresses multiple stakeholder agendas.

Ready to Learn?

Option 1. The Entrepreneurial Networks Introductory Guide addresses the importance of networks and partnerships to Extension in communities throughout the country.
Ready to get started? Follow this link or download this PDF.

Option 2. An Entrepreneurial Networks independent learning module guides participants through five interactive activities to improve:Networking logo

  • Awareness of people and organization with influence in your city.
  • Knowledge of social competencies and social capital.
  • Ability to navigate internal university and external multilevel urban partner relationships.

Participants can earn a digital badge to demonstrate their knowledge and expertise.
Ready to get started? Follow this link to learn more about the Digital Badge program and to register to participate.