The latest issue of the Journal of Human Sciences and Extension is a special issue focusing on Extension engagement in urban communities. The 35 authors who contributed to this issue represent a range of geographic and programmatic viewpoints. Insights shared demonstrate that diversity in our cities is multidimensional, reinforce the importance of culturally relevant engagement, highlight the impact of Extension investment in urban partnerships and communities, underscore the complexity in metropolitan areas, emphasize the value and potential of our national network, as well as address issues of access, equity, inclusion, and a sense of belonging.
Articles in this issue include:
1. Foreword by Marie A. Ruemenapp and Katherine Williams
2. Extension Engagement with Urban Communities by Julie Fox, Donna J. Peterson and Scott R. Cummings
3. Visualizing Diversity: Spatial Data as a Resource Enabling Extension to Better Engage Communities by Justin Krohn, Jacqueline Davis-Manigaulte, Christopher Fulcher, and Jennifer Sarah Tiffany
4. Strengthening Urban Food Systems Through Extension Programming and Community Engagement: A Case Study of New Brunswick, New Jersey by Cara L. Cuite, and Lauren Errickson
5. Cooperative Extension in Urban America: Place-Based Approaches for Improving Health by Dawn Burton, LaToya O’Neal, Erin Yelland, Suzanne Stluka, and Roger Rennekamp
6. Perspectives of 4-H Professionals: Practices to Engage Immigrant Youth in 4-H Teens as Teachers Programs by Fe Moncloa and Ester Rodriguez
7. “I’m Going to Live My Life Freely”: Authenticity as an Indicator of Belonging Among Urban Latinx LGBTQ+ Youth by Maru Gonzalez, Bianka M. Reese, and Tania Connaughton-Espino
8. Accessibility and Inclusion as an Approach to Enhancing Local Extension Programs by S. Dee Jepsen, Laura Akgerman, Karen Funkenbusch, Jessie Calero, and Heather Kelejian
9. Reconceptualizing Youth Sparks: A Sociocultural Approach to Co-Designing Programs for Somali Youth by Joanna A. Tzenis
10. Extension and Faith-Based Organizations – Understanding Past and Present Linkages and Future Opportunities for Urban Communities by Jeffrey A. Young and Kenneth R. Jones
11. Book Review – The Art of Being Indispensable at Work: Win Influence, Beat Overcommitment, and Get the Right Things Done by Eric Killian
12. Documentary Review – Two Roles in Urban Community Revitalization: Julian Price the Philanthropist and Cooperative Extension by Susan A. Kelly
13. Book Review – Lean Impact: How to Innovate for Radically Greater Social Good Review & Implications for Engaged Programming by M.C. “Molly” Immendorf
14. Fostering a Sense of Belonging in Urban Extension for Internal and External Stakeholders by Ramona Madhosingh-Hector and Linda M. Seals
15. Futuring Perspectives and Practices for Urban Extension by Julie Fox and Solomon Garner
Articles provided in this issue further JHSE’s continued efforts to promote practical implementation of research by providing food for thought, opportunities for practical replication or local adaptation, and ideas to keep the dialogue on urban Extension moving forward.
A printed version of this special issue was distributed at the National Urban Extension Conference thanks to the support from The Ohio State University College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, Ohio State University Extension, Washington State University Extension, and the Western Center for Metropolitan Extension and Research, and Mississippi State University.
Julie Fox, Guest Editor for the 2022 Special Issue
Donna J. Peterson and Scott Cummings, Editors Journal of Human Sciences and Extension