NLC Community and Economic Development Committee Meets With HUD

Tuesday, September 10th, 2019
The National League of Cities Community and Economic Development (CED) Committee Fall Policy Meeting was hosted in Gaithersburg, Maryland near Washington, DC. Gaithersburg is one of Maryland’s largest and fastest growing municipalities, and consistently ranks as one of the five most culturally diverse cities in the United States. The proximity of Gaithersburg to Washington, DC gave the committee an opportunity to advocate on CED issues. Committee members traveled to the headquarters building of the U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and participated in a roundtable discussion with HUD Secretary Ben Carson, HUD Assistant Secretary for Policy Development and Research Seth Appleton, HUD Deputy Chief of Staff Alfonso Costa, and representatives from the HUD offices of Community Planning and Development, and Intergovernmental Relations. Follow this link to learn more. Sourced from: Cities Speak