National Urban Extension Leaders (NUEL) Semi Annual Meeting
Tuesday, October 17th, 2017
December 11-13, 2017
Renaissance Nashville Hotel - Nashville, Tennessee
You are invited to the National Urban Extension’s Leader’s (NUEL) semi-annual meeting in Nashville, December 11-13. The meeting will begin on Monday, December 11 at 8 a.m. and conclude on Wednesday, December 13, at 12 p.m.
If you are interested in joining the meeting to learn more about NUEL’s efforts, our time in Nashville is dedicated to engaging with each other to assess intersections of collaboration with other colleagues from your region and from across the country as we advance urban Extension efforts. We are actively recruiting individuals and teams to join NUEL’s regional caucuses and plug into action team work as we works across Cooperative Extension.
Click for link to Registration - Registration fee: $250 (before November 24)
Click for link to Hotel Reservation - By November 6, book your group rate for NUEL Meeting - University of TN
For additional meeting information, click this link.