Will Local Foods and Technical Change Alter the Urban Form Webinar

Wednesday, October 16th, 2019
This webinar is focused on emerging technologies in regards to local foods systems and their possible effects on regional landscapes. We term these technologies “smart implements” and they include advanced farm management systems as well as robotic harvesters and cultivation tools. They can be partnered with other technologies, such as urban greenhouses and vertical agriculture. Through this combination, it may be possible to create automated greenhouses within or close to urban environments. This may allow a reworked urban environment, with food systems becoming increasingly contained within cities, especially for high value crops like fruits and vegetables. Possible consequences include increased urban density, better standards of living, and a new source of economic growth for these communities. All are invited to examine these exciting potential futures. The webinar will be held Thursday, October 24, 2019 at 2 p.m. ET. Follow this link to learn more. Sourced from: Michigan State University's NCRCRD