Opioid Programming Webinars

Thursday, May 24th, 2018
During the May 24—June 1 period, the Extension Opioid Crisis Response Workgroup is hosting a series of webinars on Extension substance abuse programming that could be quickly shared across state lines and used to help address the growing opioid crisis.  The webinars are designed to share information about these programs and we will also offer an assessment of the nature of the programming, their purposes/targets, costs, and ease of sharing/adopting.  All are welcome to join the webinars live or view the recording at a later date.

To join any of the webinars go to http://ncrcrd.adobeconnect.com/ncrcrd, “enter as a guest” is by default already chosen. Type your name (First and Last) into the text box provided, and click on “Enter Room”. You are now in the meeting room for the webinar.

Follow this link for more information.