Disparities Intensified Between College Bound Urban and Rural Students
Wednesday, May 20th, 2020
In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, the disparities between urban and rural students who go off to college may intensify. Historically, rural populations have been underrepresented in college completion rates. From 2000 to 2015, the number of four-year degrees earned by urban residents grew from 26% to 33%, whereas degrees earned by residents from rural areas increased from 15% to 19%. Will the coronavirus impact how many rural youth go to college in 2020? May 1 traditionally is National Decision Day, when high school seniors make the choice about which institution they will attend in the fall. However, COVID-19 has pushed this date to June 1 for many schools, and the pandemic threatens to upend this process even further into the calendar year. In reaction, some students are considering a gap year, but others are rethinking whether to enroll at all. Follow this link to read more.
Sourced from: Forbes