From Racial Equity and Repair, Strategies for Changing Policy Emerge
Wednesday, May 01st, 2019
What does it mean to repair decades and centuries of ill-treatment, discrimination, exploited labor, death, and massacre? How do city, town, and village leaders grapple with the legacy of what governments have wrought on people of color and indigenous people throughout the United States in ways that are actionable, restorative, and authentic to the experiences of the people who live in their communities? NLC Race, Equity, and Leadership’s (REAL) three-year exploration focuses on what racial equity and racial healing mean for local leaders across America. Themes such as repair of harm, strategies for changing policy, and changing hearts and minds were front and center at REAL’s first ever academy for local leaders, which took place April 11-12 in Washington, D.C. Follow this link to read more.
Sourced from: Cities Speak