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The 233 participants at the 2024 Urban Food Systems Symposium represented 26 states and 4 countries. The Symposium was held at the Hyatt Regency Columbus June 11-13.

The purpose of the symposium was to bring together a national and international audience of academic, non-profit, government, and research-oriented professionals to share and gain knowledge on how to build coalitions to adapt to this changing world and how urban food systems contribute to these solutions. The Ohio State University College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES) hosted the symposium. The event included keynotes, a grower panel, 40 presentations, a reception with more than 30 posters, a choice of five tours, and dinner and tours at Waterman, a unique 261-acre university facility for teaching, research, and community engagement.

Here is the complete Urban Food Systems Symposium website along with specific links to the  Symposium Program  and the Book of Abstracts. 

This interview with keynote speaker Qiana Mickie and UFSS co-chair Mike Hogan was shared through NPR during the Symposium. 

The 2026 Urban Food Systems Symposium will be held in the fall in Kansas City.

Over the past 20 years, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation has been committed to the work of preventing childhood obesity and improving healthy food access for all children and families. There is a new funding opportunity for organizations working toward the same goal. RWJF has an open call for proposals that aim to address structural racism, advance health equity, and improve health and nutrition outcomes in the communities most impacted by these systemic issues. Learn more about how to submit. If the National Urban Research & Extension Center can support an aspect of your project, please reach out to Brad Gaolach.

photo of people in attendance at the workshipOn May 2, The Ohio State University College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences hosted faculty from Central State University. In attendance were two educators from Central State University who shared about their research, including their collaboration efforts. In additional to other Ohio State faculty in attendance, Fernanda Krupek shared urban ag and food system updates. Overall, it was a great workshop with connections for the future.

Thanks to the generosity of funders, the book Planning for Equitable Urban Agriculture is available for free in digital form from the publisher’s website at: A printed version is available for purchase at the same site.

Book Overview

Editors: Samina Raja, Marcia Caton Campbell, Alexandra Judelsohn, Branden Born, Alfonso Morales

  • Examines the potential and pitfalls of planning for urban agriculture in the United States
  • Contains case studies from across the United States
  • Includes illustrative examples of planning and policy tools to strengthen urban agriculture
  • This book is open access, which means you have free and unlimited access

To prevent extreme rainfall, flooding and other severe weather from causing major damage, urban planning efforts should take a more comprehensive approach, according to a March 29 presentation by The Ohio State University’s Center for Urban Research and Analysis and the Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center. Read more.

Sourced from Ohio State News

Join colleagues August 4-6, 2024 in Detroit for a three-day conference to advance efforts that will bridge the gap for urban agriculture across the U.S. and build strong connections to USDA programs and services.

  • Network with a diverse group of people who share a passion for creating and sustaining healthy food systems in their communities.
  • Engage with USDA agency staff to find new and existing programs that support urban agriculture producers at every level.

Learn about dynamic, innovative projects that are making positive impacts that include climate-smart practices, opportunities to improve economic growth and sustainability, and vibrant community outreach and support.

An experience is being designed to build relationships with individuals and organizations that will help you grow.

Programming includes:

  • USDA program information and training.
  • Round-table listening sessions that facilitate shared knowledge and experiences.
  • Educational presentations that showcase community-based, transformative urban agriculture happening in cities across the nation.
  • National businesses and organizations for tools, training and resources.

Learn more information.

The National Urban Research & Extension Center (NUREC) invites you to participate in this Request for Expressions of Interest (RFEI) to determine where there are opportunities for partnership and collaboration amongst research and Extension and the National League of Cities.

Please share with others at Ohio State as they are interested in potential partnerships across all academic disciplines. When considering how your expertise might connect to these topics, think about opportunities related to "wrap around" services such as program evaluation, economic impact analysis, technical assistance, customized training, curriculum development, etc. Following the National League of Cities' programs, you will have the opportunity to add programs and projects you are working on that you feel might be of interest to cities - for deployment, for beta-testing, or research projects.

NUREC uses RFEI’s to assess interest and gather information to create projects, build project teams and/or craft responses to RFP’s. The RFEI allows us to explore the expertise that exists in NUREC member institutions around a given topic and find faculty/staff who are interested in working on current and future NUREC projects. 

NUREC is a collaborative membership-based nationwide organization for land-grant universities that facilitates the co-creation and application of knowledge enabling metropolitan communities to improve the health and wellbeing of all residents, achieve equitable economic growth, and steward their natural environments – delivering on the land-grant mission for urban residents, communities and the organizations that support them.

Here is the link:

Direct questions to Brad Gaolach, Director of NUREC at or 425-405-1734.

The Ohio State University is hiring an Urban Agriculture Specialist. This 12-month faculty member will lead a statewide Urban Agriculture team of faculty, staff, and students. They will lead urban ag system curriculum development and conduct research in collaboration with other CFAES urban-focused faculty members. They will serve as a Principal Investigator, managing grant funding, project leadership, and partner development. As leader of a five-year project funded Cooperative Agreement with USDA FSA, they will collaborate with diverse local teams and stakeholders in Ohio's metropolitan areas. With 100% Extension appointment, they will explore emerging opportunities linking Extension, teaching, and research to advance Ohio's urban agriculture and food system community. Master's degree required, doctoral degree preferred. Extension-outreach experience, grant-management skills, and leadership expertise are also required. For more information, see the posted job listing.

Participate in the upcoming Engaged Practitioners Network community of practice on Friday, April 5 from 10-11 a.m. via Zoom. The Engaged Practitioners Network is a space for Ohio State staff who are working in community outreach and engagement. They hope to amplify collaborations, share best practices, and increase professional development opportunities. Register here.

Sourced from Nicole Nieto, Assistant Vice Provost, Outreach and Engagement, Office of Academic Affairs

JCEP’s Excellence in Extension Engagement Award recognizes high-quality, evidence-based Extension work with documented outstanding outcomes and impacts. The award is for individual or team programs driven by local needs, grounded in scholarly practice, adequately evaluated, showing adoption beyond initial audiences, within or across states, and bringing innovation to Extension. First place is $750 and includes being an invited speaker at ELC 2025 with registration waived. Learn more.
