FFAR Funding Opportunity

Monday, July 29th, 2024

Ohio State (Extension's) ongoing urban agriculture efforts have caught the attention of the OSU Foundations Relations team. They are seeking ideas (1-2 paragraphs) to take to their meeting with Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research (FFAR) in August. FFAR would like to see multiple research ideas, from which they will select one or two to request a build out for an eventual project that could lead to $2-3 million in funding opportunity around soil health, a diverse agricultural workforce, and urban agriculture. This is an opportunity to support an existing group for a new topic or create a new research group.

It might be helpful to review the information at the FFAR Soil Health Research Vision site with a focus on Resiliency/Adaptation and Well Being (per OSU Foundation staff). If you are interested bring a team together let Julie Fox(.264) or Jeff Hattey(.3) know and be prepared to submit a 1-2 paragraph concept by Friday August 2, 2024. If you have questions, contact Pablo Villa(.36)