Defining the New Urban Land Grant University: A Theory of Leadership, Action, and Impact

Wednesday, January 08th, 2020
In the deep land-grant tradition, service to community is at the core of that amazing legacy. But the shift from largely rural populations to pervasive city demographics presents a transformative opportunity for those large public universities who live and serve there. We have learned much from early adopters of the anchor institution concept of urban-serving universities. But not enough that we can't adopt a larger commitment to urbanity, not as ancillary to our mission but rather, fundamental to our future. Such opportunities require shared leadership and place-based investments, often referred to as “collective” theories of leadership, shared goals, actions, and individual responsibility in order to actually make significant and long-lasting change for the better. The address will be held Tuesday, January 28, 2020 from 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m at the Ohio Union. Follow this link to learn more. Sourced from: Urban Universities + Thriving Communities