Framing a National Dialogue of Urban Extension Today: A Request for Partnership
In July 2020, NUEL, in partnership with the Coming Together for Racial Understanding (CTRU) team and Michigan State University hosted a Dialogue on Racism. The final report was shared with Extension directors and is available on the NUEL website. Following the Dialogue, a few members of NUEL continued to explore how to support state Extension leaders and all urban Extension in offering policies, programming, and professional development that enhances our active consideration of the everyday experiences of those belonging to marginalized groups. You are invited to participate in the first of many conversations to develop and implement an action-based DEI plan for NUEL. If you are a NUEL steering committee member, urban contact, or an urban Extension professional with interest and knowledge on DEI topics please complete the Doodle poll by Friday, January 8. (You do not have to be a member of NUEL to participate.) Follow this link to learn more.
Sourced from: NUEL