Strengthen Ohio by Strengthening Cities and Urban-Rural Connections: Summit on Extension in Ohio's Urban Communities

Wednesday, January 15th, 2020
Summit on Extension in Ohio's Urban Communities: "Strengthen Ohio by Strengthening Cities and Urban-Rural Connections" will be held at the Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center in Columbus, Wednesday, January 29, 2020 Purpose: To better understand and address:
  • Real-life context of Extension work in urban communities (scale, diversity, complexity, urban-rural interface);
  • Alignment with the National Urban Extension Leaders (NUEL) Framework and Integration with university, college, and other converging interests;
  • OSU Extension's strategies to be relevant locally, responsive statewide, recognized nationally; and
  • Strengthen Ohio by strengthening cities and urban-rural connections.
Who Should Attend? The event is open to everyone interested in how OSU Extension can better address Ohio’s urban influence and urban-rural interface. Registration: Registration is $20 (includes morning refreshment and lunch). Please register by January 20. The registration fee will be waived if a short article and photo for the OSU Extension in the City blog are submitted to Michelle by February 20. Follow this link for agenda. Follow this link to register. The Urban Engagement Team would also like to extend an invitation join them for dinner following OSU Sesquicentennial Think Beyond Summit, Urban Universities, Thriving Communities on January 28, 2020.