FFAR: Seeding Solutions RFA is Coming Soon – March 1
Friday, February 15th, 2019
The Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research (FFAR) is seeking pre-proposals for the Seeding Solutions 2019 funding opportunity. The Seeding Solutions grants encourage the development of unique partnerships to support innovative – and potentially transformative – research focused in our Challenge Areas.
For Seeding Solutions 2019, FFAR anticipates funding at least one proposal in each of our six newly updated Challenge Areas. This year, FFAR will prioritize funding projects that both demonstrate strong partnerships, and have the potential for significant agricultural advancements through innovation and new technologies. We encourage applicants to reach out to the managing Scientific Program Director for their Challenge Area of interest to hone their ideas prior to submitting a pre-proposal in March 1, 2019.
Please note that the Seeding Solutions’ 2019 Request for applications will be available soon on the FFAR website.
FFAR awarded nearly $8 million to innovative projects during the 2017 Seeding Solutions program, which when matched, invested $16.6 million in agricultural research and innovation. We will be announcing the 2018 Seeding Solutions awardees soon, and are excited to further support agricultural research through Seeding Solutions 2019!
Sourced from: Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research
The Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research, a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization established by bipartisan Congressional support in the 2014 Farm Bill, builds unique partnerships to support innovative and actionable science addressing today's food and agriculture challenges. FFAR leverages public and private resources to increase the scientific and technological research, innovation, and partnerships critical to enhancing sustainable production of nutritious food for a growing global population. The FFAR Board of Directors is chaired by Mississippi State University President Mark Keenum, Ph.D., and includes ex officio representation from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and National Science Foundation.
Posted In: Ag & Natural Resources, Sustainable Food Systems, Urban-Rural Connection
Tags: Newsletter
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