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Urban leaders must plan, design, and deliver transportation services and built environments that prioritize access not only for the wealthiest residents, but also for the rural and urban poor. The current system prioritizes mobility over accessibility to deleterious ends, government decentralization sometimes leads to spatial inequities, and financing instruments are lack attention to transportation inclusivity. Follow this link to read the article.
Sourced from Brookings
There is little to no evidence that offering tax subsidies to investors in high-poverty “Opportunity Zones” will bring relief to economically distressed communities, but states can use the provision of the new tax law as an opportunity for evaluation. Follow this link for the complete article.
Sourced from Bookings
Posted In: Community Development, Engaged Ohioians, Vibrant Communities, Health and Wellness in the City, Workforce Development
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The 4th edition Next Generation Extension - Learning for Leaders, entitled Key Insights to Leading an Urban Extension Program has been released. ECOP Chair Chuck Hibberd says, "Washington State University's Dr. Brad Gaolach offers Extension Administrators and Directors interesting insights to bridge the world of academia with community-based applications in urban communities." Gaolach's Urban Extension story and the dialogue with Leaders across the nation is available on video at
Sourced from ECOP Monday Minute
Posted In: City CED, Community Development, Engaged Ohioians, Vibrant Communities, Urban Serving Universities
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The University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension, Virginia Cooperative Extension, and the Virginia Tech Center for Geospatial Information Technology collaborated through an eXtension Innovation grant to create the National Extension Web-mapping Tool (NEWT). The goal of NEWT is to help people throughout the Cooperative Extension System (CES) more effectively use spatial data to make programming and strategic planning decisions.
Follow this link to view the webinar recording.
Posted In: 4-H Youth Development, Ag & Natural Resources, Community Development, Courses/Webinars, Engaged Ohioians, Vibrant Communities, Environmental Quality, Family & Consumer Sciences, Health and Wellness in the City, Innovation, Sustainable Food Systems, Thriving Across the Lifespan, Workforce Development
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A Money Smart Alliance member in Ohio collaborates with a state commission and nonprofits in five counties using Money Smart to educate new fathers and fathers-to-be on how to make sound financial decisions. Learn about tips the organizers have for financial educators considering similar programs
Follow this link to read the complete article.
Sourced from FDIC
Posted In: Family & Consumer Sciences, Health and Wellness in the City, Workforce Development
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Join other Cooperative Extension personnel, educators and our expert speakers for an exciting and knowledge-filled urban and community forestry webinar series. Covering topics such as the effects of urban forests on our health, creating storm-resilient forests, and more, the following 12 webinars aim to increase knowledge and provide resources to support educational programming.
This series was developed by Southern Regional Extension Forestry with input from southeastern Extension and Outreach urban forestry experts. Follow this link for complete details.
Economic inequality is rising exponentially. The future success of the U.S. economy will hinge on our ability to invest in housing, healthcare, education, small business, and other vital services to ensure that the people and places that are being left out are able to share in the newly created value. Read the complete article and series of interviews here.
Sourced from Next Street
Posted In: Community Development, Engaged Ohioians, Vibrant Communities, Workforce Development
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Research has historically framed income inequality as a national issue, one best addressed through national monetary and fiscal policies that raise demand for labor and redistribute resources from the rich to the poor. Yet widening disparities across and within places in the United States, revealed in debates around wages, housing affordability, and public safety, have motivated policymakers and researchers to pay increased attention to inequality’s local dimensions. Follow the link to read the complete article on City and Metropolitan Income Inequality Data Reveal Ups and Downs Through 2016.
Sourced from Brookings
Posted In: Community Development, Engaged Ohioians, Vibrant Communities, Urban-Rural Connection, Workforce Development
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Bike sharing may be the ultimate symbol of gentrification, the province of avocado-toast loving, espresso-swilling — and mostly white — millennials. But some cities are taking measures to combat that, by making it easier for low-income riders and those without a credit card or smartphone to take a two-wheeler for a spin. Follow this link to read the complete article How (and Why) Cities Are Marketing Bikes to Poor People.
Sourced from Governing
Posted In: Community Development, Engaged Ohioians, Vibrant Communities, Workforce Development
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Americans don’t move as much as they used to, even though people in some parts of the country fare better than others. Large metropolitan areas have stronger job growth and contribute more to GDP than small towns and rural areas. Urban residents have better health outcomes and life expectancy. Yet people are more reluctant to move to another town, state, or region. In particular, urban and rural residents are increasingly distrustful of one another. Follow this link to read the complete article Does TV Bear Some Responsibility for Hard Feelings Between Urban America and Small Town America?
Sourced from Brookings