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The Center for Urban and Regional Analysis, in cooperation with the OSU Office of Energy and Environment and the Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission, offers the third event in their Spring 2018 series on Water and Cities: Green Infrastructure in an Era of Climate Change. On April 17, they will host Prof. William Hunt, William Neal Reynolds Distinguished University Professor and Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering at North Carolina State University. Prof. Hunt is one of the nation’s leading experts on green infrastructure and stormwater management, a crucial issue for the future of cities like Columbus. Join CURA and William Hunt for lunch and a roundtable discussion on April 17 at 12-1:30 p.m., in 1116 Derby Hall. This discussion is primarily targeted towards (but not limited to) graduate students and faculty with interests in urban hydrology, green infrastructure, ecosystem services and sustainability/resilience. The discussion and lunch are free but space is limited! Please RSVP:
Sourced from Governing
A USDA Forest Service study projects that urban land in Lower 48 states will more than double between 2010 and 2060, which will affect forest and agricultural lands that are being converted to urban uses as well as expand the importance of urban forests in relation to environmental quality and human well-being. Follow this link to read the complete article. Sourced from USDA Forest Service

More lower-income households have access to cars now than they did before the Great Recession. That’s good news for their access to jobs, but it may cause cities to rethink their assumptions about transportation. Follow this link for the complete story.

Sourced from Governing
Register now for the 2018 CFAES Urban Agricultural Adventure. All CFAES faculty, staff, and students are welcome! Urban Argricultural Adventure Trip 2018 Flyer Saturday, April 14, 2018 Departing from Columbus at 8:00 a.m. (returning at 6:30 p.m.) Departing from Wooster at 9:30 a.m. (returning at 5:00 p.m.) This trip includes tours of various Cleveland area farms, along with a visit to Rid-All Green partnership and The West Side Market. Transportation (for both Wooster and Columbus) is provided, along with continental breakfast and a boxed lunch. Click here to register. Sourced from CFAES Information for Faculty & Staff

Turns out, the answer isn’t either-or. Rather, it’s a question with 80 million answers. If you live in Chicago and spend time on any of the big social media sites, you may notice some rather unusual ads: streaming commercials telling you that if you’re a millennial, you should pack up and move to Wisconsin. Follow this link to read the complete article.

Sourced from Governing
Major urban jurisdictions, including some that had previously staved off losses, are seeing more residents move away. Many of the nation’s large urban centers have seen a slow, yet growing exodus of residents to more suburban areas in recent years. New county population estimates released by the Census Bureau suggest this shift isn't slowing down. Follow this link to read the complete article. Sourced from Governing
A new interactive chart analyzes how metro areas across the United States are performing on economic growth, prosperity, and inclusion. Take a look to see how your metro area measures up. Follow this link to read the complete story. Sourced from Brookings
New U.S. Census data reveal a slowdown in urban population growth and a revival of pre-recession movement toward the suburbs, rural areas, and metropolitan areas in the middle of the country. Read the complete article linked here. Sourced from Brookings
May 23-24, 2018, Pittsburgh, PAHealthy Trees logo Healthy Trees, Healthy People is a two-day program featuring presentations on the link between human health and community forest health, as well as information essential to the care of community trees. It is a great opportunity to share ideas with shade tree commissioners, foresters, arborists, and others. The first day will take us outside to explore examples of the role of community forests in contributing to healthy communities. During this afternoon field trip, we will see an urban tree nursery’s efforts to develop healthy and genetically diverse trees, the impacts of oak wilt on tree canopy in a city park, and how active neighborhood volunteers organized to care for their street trees. The field trip will wrap up with a visit to a furniture workshop to see how reclaimed urban wood is being transformed into fine furniture. The second day will feature a variety of presentations on tree health, its impacts on communities, and ways to plan and manage the community forest to ensure success.
