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For decades, the benefit of engaging citizens in government programs has been an axiom familiar to all public managers. In theory, but often not so much in practice, early involvement of affected residents and beneficiaries should shape program design, build buy-in and smooth adjustment to changes brought by program execution. Follow this link to read the complete article. Sourced from Governing
With high-power validation from an international colleague - London Mayor Sadiq Khan - three-dozen American mayors immersed themselves in four days of discussion and experience at this year's South by Southwest festival of technology, policy and the arts. Follow this link to read the complete article. Sourced from Governing
New census population projections confirm the importance of racial minorities as the primary demographic engine of the nation’s future growth, countering an aging, slow-growing and soon to be declining white population. The new statistics project that the nation will become “minority white” in 2045. Follow this link to read the complete article. Sourced from Brookings
Today’s economy appears to be booming, as judged by continued job growth, household income gains, and historically high stock prices. Yet underneath the headline numbers America’s progress remains uneven: economic divides are growing between the coasts and the heartland, technology and other sectors, and the rich and the poor. This uneven progress reflects the accelerating pace of economic change that people and places across the nation now confront. Leaders in our major cities and metropolitan areas, centers of economic disruption and opportunity, are looking for insights and strategies to adapt. Follow this link to read the complete article. Sourced from Brookings

It's difficult to put a price tag on global warming, but the effort can help manage risks. Scientists warn that the effects of climate change will lead to an increasing number of extreme weather events. Economists, in turn, warn that those changes will have a huge financial cost. Follow this link to read the complete story.

Sourced from Governing
While white gentrification is often cited in stories about urban change, racial minorities are driving the population growth of young adults in many of America’s urban and suburban areas. Follow this link for the complete story. Sourced from Brookings
As urban and suburban areas move to meet the demands of a growing innovation economy, a new how-to guide provides a framework for measuring and targeting resources for inclusive economic development. Follow this link to read the complete article. Sourced from Brookings
The Extension Committee on Organization and Policy (ECOP) has entered into an agreement in partnership with US Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture (USDA-NIFA) (National Program Leaders, Ahlishia Shipley and Brent Elrod) to help coordinate the Land-grant University system's response to the opioid crisis. Several institutions have already identified evidence-based curriculum for replication nationally in response to the first ever Cooperative Extension Section Next Generation Extension - Learning for Leaders Web Conference. In this new agreement a set of 9 activities will culminate in the writing of a report for ECOP within a six-month period. The formation of the Extension Opioid Crisis Response Workgroup, a group of opioid experts from the Land-grant system will serve as a resource and provide input. Those with expertise and interest in serving on this workgroup are urged to contact Mark Skidmore ( Director of the North Central Regional Rural Development Center, the lead coordinator for this effort. Last week, USDA launched a webpage highlighting resources to help rural communities address the opioid crisis: Sourced from ECOP Monday Minute
Urban leaders must plan, design, and deliver transportation services and built environments that prioritize access not only for the wealthiest residents, but also for the rural and urban poor. The current system prioritizes mobility over accessibility to deleterious ends, government decentralization sometimes leads to spatial inequities, and financing instruments are lack attention to transportation inclusivity. Follow this link to read the article. Sourced from Brookings
There is little to no evidence that offering tax subsidies to investors in high-poverty “Opportunity Zones” will bring relief to economically distressed communities, but states can use the provision of the new tax law as an opportunity for evaluation. Follow this link for the complete article. Sourced from Bookings
