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The version of the Farm Bill that passed out of the House Agriculture Committee last week proposes changes to nutrition education for people with low income. The changes pose opportunities and challenges for the Land-grant University (LGU) System. The LGU SNAP-Ed Program Development Team (PDT) is a group of Extension professionals from each region working in nutrition education for individuals with low income. The aim of the PDT is to maintain and improve the consistency and effectiveness of SNAP-Ed programming that is delivered through the LGU System and address challenges in this work through a national lens. The PDT is committed to supporting our colleagues throughout the Farm Bill process. The PDT's first step was an informational webcast, Nutrition Education Program for Limited Resource Audiences: House Ag Committee Farm Bill Proposal, held on April 18. A graphic illustrates the legislative process of the Farm Bill in process over the next few weeks.
Sourced from ECOP Monday Minute
Posted In: Community Development, Engaged Ohioians, Vibrant Communities, Family & Consumer Sciences, Health and Wellness in the City, Urban Serving Universities
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The Early Results of States’ Opportunity Zones Are Promising, But There’s Still Room for Improvement
Eighteen states have submitted their selections of local neighborhoods that will qualify as “Opportunity Zones” under a new tax incentive created by Congress in last year’s tax bill. These selections—and the characteristics of the neighborhoods themselves—will be important determinants of the ultimate success of the program. Follow this link to read the complete article.
Sourced from Brookings
Posted In: City CED, Community Development, Engaged Ohioians, Vibrant Communities, Health and Wellness in the City, Urban Serving Universities, Workforce Development
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As cities grow smarter and more connected, what implications does that have for cybersecurity? Follow this link to read the complete article.
Sourced from GovTech
By applying a strategic lens to the procurement process, local governments can transform how they partner with the private sector. Follow this link to read the complete article.
Sourced from GoverningPosted In: Community Development, Engaged Ohioians, Vibrant Communities, Urban Serving Universities
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Do you ever wonder if the impact statements submitted to the national database get used? They do. With the support of the Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Sections, a team of nationally recognized writers, editors and designers gathers each year to create materials highlighted on Under "Areas of Impact" you will find and can download 28 stories and 15 fact sheets the group developed for each topic area that showcase the success of land-grant universities across the country. The stories are there for you to use in your communications efforts.
Sourced from ECOP Monday Minute
Posted In: 4-H Youth Development, Ag & Natural Resources, Community Development, Engaged Ohioians, Vibrant Communities, Environmental Quality, Family & Consumer Sciences, Health and Wellness in the City, Sustainable Food Systems, Thriving Across the Lifespan, Urban Serving Universities, Urban-Rural Connection, Workforce Development
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Dany Bahar explains how the free flow of migrants drives knowledge across borders and improves productivity levels – creating a vehicle for closing development gaps between poor and rich countries. Follow this link to read the complete article.
Sourced from Brookings
Posted In: Community Development, Engaged Ohioians, Vibrant Communities, Workforce Development
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In a city whose cacophony can reach 95 decibels in midtown Manhattan — way above the federal government’s recommended average of no more than 70 decibels — the commotion over all that racket involves irate residents, anti-noise advocates, bars, helicopter sightseeing companies, landscapers and construction companies, as well as City Hall. The city’s 311 non-emergency call service gets 50,000 calls a day, and the No. 1 complaint is noise. Follow this link to read the complete story.
Sourced from Governing
Posted In: Community Development, Engaged Ohioians, Vibrant Communities, Environmental Quality, Environmental Quality and Sustainability
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Cooperative Extension is currently building a culture of health in communities across the country with the support of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the nation's largest philanthropy dedicated solely to health. The initiative has recently been re-titled as Well-Connected Communities, and there are two near-term ways for Extension professionals to learn more about this work and/or to get involved in the future. See the information below for two upcoming webinars. Read more: Building a Culture of Health: Well-Connected Communities
- Readiness for Well-Connected Communities - Cooperative Extension has launched a 10 year initiative to harness, align and focus our assets and grow cross-sector partnerships to create a culture of health across America. Join us on this webinar to learn more about the Well-Connected Communities initiative and how you can get ready to join the next wave of change makers. Date/Time: June 6, 2018, 1-2 pm EST Audience: States interested in Wave 2 Initiative Join here:
- Well-Connected Communities Master Health Volunteers - The Well-Connected Communities Master Health Volunteer Program Training is a collaboration addressing state and community health priorities (60%) underpinned by core content from the national master health volunteer model (40%). This webinar will focus on the content for top national priority core concepts that states are expected to include in their training with a roll-out of webinars and other resources provided. This will be followed by Zoom Office Hours on June 28 at 10 am and 3 pm EST. Date/Time: June 12, 2018, 3-4 pm EST Audience: Principal Investigators and Extension staff responsible for the Well-Connected Communities Master Health Volunteer program training and implementation. Register here:
Posted In: Community Development, Courses/Webinars, Engaged Ohioians, Vibrant Communities, Family & Consumer Sciences, Health and Wellness in the City
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Less than eight months after Hurricane Harvey pelted the Texas Gulf Coast with torrential rainfall, drought has returned to Texas and other parts of the West, Southwest, and Southeast, rekindling old worries for residents who dealt with earlier waves of dry spells and once again forcing state governments to reckon with how to keep the water flowing. Follow this link to read the complete story.
Sourced from Governing
MetroLab's Innovation of the Month series highlights how a team at The Ohio State University, along with the city of Columbus and private companies, is using smart, connected tech to help the blind and visually impaired. Follow this link to read the complete story.
Sourced from GovTech
Posted In: Community Development, Engaged Ohioians, Vibrant Communities, Innovation
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