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Posted In: City CED, Community Development, Engaged Ohioians, Vibrant Communities, Urban-Rural Connection
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The National Urban Extension Leaders (NUEL) came to Ohio for the 2016 bi-annual meeting. NUEL began in 2013 as a grass-roots effort from a group of passionate and committed urban Extension professionals with the mission to advocate and advance the strategic importance and long-term value of urban Extension by being relevant locally, responsive statewide, and recognized nationally. OSU Extension in the City shares this mission and supports development of the national framework. Trends influencing Extension's urban priorities include demographics and diversity; complex community conditions, and urban-suburban-rural interdependencies. The national Extension Committee on Organization and Policy (ECOP) now focuses on urban Extension as a top priority.
The NUEL bi-annual meeting was held on May 24 - May 26, 2016 in Columbus, OH. A special pre-meeting Policy workshop was held on Monday, May 23. The meeting concluded on May 26 with a City Tour featuring the programs, people, partners, and impacts of OSU Extension in Franklin County. Bi-annual events were held in the Downtown, Short North, Arena District, University, and surrounding areas of Columbus, OH.
With 11.5 million residents, Ohio is the seventh most populous state in the nation. More than half of Ohio residents live in 10 of the state’s 88 counties, and many others travel to cities for work and recreation.
In addition to the bi-annual meetings, NUEL provides webinars throughout the year and supports the national urban Extension conference.
Reviewed by: James Stiving, Program Assistant, OSU Extension in the City and Central Region

In March the Delaware and Union county Extension offices partnered to put on a Chef's Camp for 5th through 7th grade students. One of the goals of this program was to draw an audience not previously reached by Extension. It was open to both 4-H and non-4-H members and was advertised through schools, social media and local businesses. The camp was open to a maximum of sixteen participants based on available space, volunteers and equipment. The camp was 4 days and lasted from 12:30- 4:30 p.m. and was held during the county schools spring break. The cost of the program for the participants was $75 which covered ingredients, an apron, measuring cups and spoons, cutting mats and a recipe book to take home at the end of the program.
The students not only learned cooking skills but there was also a focus on nutrition, sensory food science, food safety and new ingredient exploration. Recipes included chicken curry, marinated salmon, ratatouille, cassava cupcakes and many more. Each recipe was chosen to teach students a new skill and reinforce food safety practices. Groups learned about protein denaturation as they cooked eggs and a variety of meat dishes. A tasting session was held after all the foods were prepared allowing groups to try each other’s dishes and comment on them. Groups created poster presentations on food safety and MyPlate based on that day’s cooking assignment. In down time the participants had the opportunity to do a variety of activities including using the state 4-H smoothie bike to learn about energy output and blend a smoothie while riding a stationary bike. A sensory game helped teach students how much smell factors in to their ability to taste and identify different flavors. Other activities included equipment and ingredient identification and food safety standards.
This pilot program was a huge success and feedback from participants and parents helped confirm that there is a need and want for Food and Nutrition based programing. The future goals of this program are to develop a state curriculum that can be used in other counties. Additional topic areas for future lesson plan development include: Cultural foods, meat science, food science and sensory science. Getting youth excited about preparing food and the science and nutrition behind cooking has health and wellness benefits as well as foster an interest in career opportunities.
This short program was ideal for busy families that cannot commit to a traditional 4-H year timeline while providing a fun educational experience for the youth. Most participants wanted to know when they could sign up for the next program and others wanted to know if it would be available for older youth. Several parents indicated that they would be interested in the camp being offered over winter, spring and summer breaks. The next Chef’s camp opportunity will likely take place over winter break in Delaware County and will be offering a similar curriculum to the pilot camp with some new materials.
The concept of this program originated with Christy Leeds –Union County 4-H and Youth Development Educator and County Director reading about cooking classes for youth in Columbus. Carmen Irving- Union County Family and Consumer Science Educator and Carol Keck- Delaware County Program Coordinator for Extension in the City began working on Christy’s concept. The Chef’s camp was developed by working across program areas and reaching outside the traditional structure of 4-H youth development.
Reviewed By: Carmen Irving- Union County Family and Consumer Science Educator
Posted In: 4-H Youth Development, Ag & Natural Resources, Family & Consumer Sciences, Health and Wellness in the City, Workforce Development
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Author: David Crawford, OSU Extension, Stark County, CED & 4-H Youth Development Educator
This five-year USDA/CYFAR grant started in late 2013 and funds the efforts that address local concerns on the importance of active fathering, provides youth participants with hands-on 4-H activities to develop marketable skills, and the improve nutritional health of targeted youths and adults in Stark, Hardin and Franklin Counties. All 4-H programs focus on active involvement and quality experiences which stimulate lifelong learning of values and skills. More than 20 fathers and youth participated in a 2014 data collection activity to assist in designing the weGrill© program to meet the needs of participants in Stark.
Program curriculum is being developed and piloted. Preliminary formative evaluation occurred during three grilling workshops in 2014 with more than 60 total youth/father participants. Needs assessment data and information gathered from these workshops are being used in the development of the curriculum. The program will be implemented in communities in 2016 after intensive piloting in 2015-2016.
The program targets adult male participants who are fathers, grandfathers, uncles, or step-fathers, and their adolescent youth ages 11-18 years old
The program targets adult male participants who are fathers, grandfathers, uncles, or step-fathers, and their adolescent youth ages 11-18 years old. Participants participate in hands on, learning activities, to incorporate the following themes: Awareness, Responsibility, Decision-making and Connection. Each of the main topics will have a number of themes that are introduced and interwoven throughout. Topics include compassion, commitment, forgiveness, gratitude, identity, leadership, preparation, responsibility, and respect. A collaborative effort exists for the success of the program. Campus researchers, 4-H, EFNEP and ANR professionals have contributed to this effort in Stark County. Our local Stark County community partner is FameFathers ( who assists in participant recruitment, planning, and program delivery/development.
“The curriculum is designed as a four session, in-person series, taught by Extension professionals, each session being approximately two hours long. The themes will tie the information for fathers (fatherhood education) and youth (4-H youth development) into an integrated learning package. Lesson material will be augmented by father/child activity and nutrition cards that can be used during the in-person sessions and at home. Activity cards are designed for fathers and youth to engage each other in simple activities to build stronger relationships and develop life skills. Nutrition cards are used to demonstrate grilling techniques, recipes, serving sizes, and dietary health,” shared by Dr. James Bates, Principal Investigator, Assistant Professor, Extension Field Specialist, Family Wellness, Ohio State University Extension.
The 4-H Grilling and Beyond Team looks forward to develop quality opportunities for this program effort to be replicated throughout Ohio and the nation.
Reviewed by Mike Hogan, Extension Educator and Associate Professor
Reviewed by: Dr. James Bates, Assistant Professor, Extension Field Specialist, Family Wellness, Ohio State University Extension.

Posted In: 4-H Youth Development, Ag & Natural Resources, Health and Wellness in the City
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The United States has long welcomed people from distant shores. Ohio currently welcomes thousands of immigrants and refugees each year. According to the Office of the United Nations High Commission on Refugees, a refugee is someone who "owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality, and is unable to, or owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country." In Ohio, most refugees have been resettled in Franklin, Cuyahoga, Montgomery, and Summit Counties. Resettlement agencies, religious organizations, and community groups are critical to helping persons adjust to their new communities by assisting with the most immediate needs of finding homes, developing English language skills, and medical care. These same organizations also assist with long term challenges such as job training. Immigrants are defined as “those who have entered the United States as a lawful permanent resident.”
In a recent report by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs entitled “Growing the Heartland: How Immigrants Offset Population Decline and an Aging Workforce in Midwest Metropolitan Cities” stated that while much of the Midwest suffered net population loss between 2000-2009, the Akron, OH metropolitan area (Summit and Stark County) gained over 9,000 new residents and 54% of this was due to immigrants and refugees settling in the area. People from this population are starting businesses, buying homes, and increase the local economy.
In some counties, such as Cuyahoga and Montgomery, Ohio State University Extension has worked with organizations that help refugees and immigrants develop job skills via agri-businesses, such as farms and compost facilities.
Immigrants and refugees are changing the landscape of our Ohio cities, can help reverse population loss, and are becoming vibrant members of our communities. How can we best embrace and support our newest neighbors?
For more information:
Reviewed by:
David Crawford, Educator III
Stark County Extension Director & 4-H Youth Development

- Bakery Wholesale License by the Ohio Department of Agriculture
- Allows for production of baked products to be sold to retail locations. We also have relationships with several local markets and grocery stores and would be more than happy to help you get your products into some of these locations.
- Frozen Food Establishment License by the Ohio Department of Agriculture
- Allows for production of frozen foods such as popsicles and frozen (vegetarian) dinners (note: dairy and meat not covered under this license so ice cream and frozen meat production are not permitted at this time).
- Cold Storage Warehouse License by the Ohio Department of Agriculture
- In our facility, we have a walk-in cooler and walk-in freezer that are available for rental.
- Commercial Cannery License by the Ohio Department of Agriculture
- Risk Level 4 Food Service Operation License by Columbus Public Health
- Under this license, caterers and bakers can prepare food that they are selling directly to the consumer. The retail sales are done under our Columbus Public Health license, while product prep for wholesale is conducted under the Ohio Department of Agriculture license.
- Wholesale Meat and Poultry Production License by Ohio Department of Agriculture (in process – ETA Spring 2014)

Extension Technology in the City
Cities have been known as centers for innovation and progress for as long as they have existed. This is especially true in the technology sector, as cities often produce new methods of communicating and living with technology. Technology has become a very integral part of society, having something to do with virtually every aspect of our lives, in urban, suburban, and rural regions. As technology becomes more and more prevalent, the need to keep up with the technological changes grows as well. There are already many ways that Extension uses technology to disseminate information and knowledge, reach a larger audience, facilitate professional development, and communicate more efficiently with their local community (Typhinia 2015).
Technology as a Form of Communication
Urban Extension programs have the most to gain from maximizing technology use for their various programs due to their large population base (Schneider 2011). There are many innovative ways of using technology to better communicate with residents, and distribute knowledge on a larger scale, boosting Extension’s presence. There is also an opportunity to become more relevant with a younger generation who otherwise would not use Extension’s services (Typhinia 2015). These connections can be made through social media and educational programs that integrate technology. In addition to reaching new audiences, Extension could connect with other programs/partners who are interested in the tech side of youth development (Typhinia 2015).
The Digital Divide
According to the Whitehouse Brief, Mapping the Digital Divide (2015), factors influencing those who are often disproportionately limited by the digital divide include age, income, educational attainment levels, community type, people with disabilities, and language. The number of people living in Ohio's largest cities who reflect these demographic characteristics presents an opportunity for OSU Extension in the City.
Potential Impact
Technology innovations give Extension the opportunity to impact the people, programs, partners, and presence of Extension in urban areas. Technology increases the ability to communicate with socially and ethnically diverse populations, assists in the accessibility of our programs, expands the variety of partners that we are able to work with, and increases the presence of Extension, both by name recognition, and physical locations. Maintaining a strong connection to technological changes will assist OSU Extension in the City to continue to be locally relevant, responsive statewide, and recognized nationally. Using this to improve marketing, programming, personnel through professional development, and new partnerships is necessary to have the collective impact that we are aiming for, while also laying the framework for years of Extension excellence in Ohio’s urban areas.
Interact - Respond to this blog post
Without a doubt, you use technology in numerous facets every day. In what ways have you seen technology have a positive impact on your programming? What areas in your programming would you like to see technology use increased? What do you think is Extension’s role in bridging the digital divide?
- Kudryavtsev, Alexey, Marianne Krasny, Gretchen Ferenz, and Lisa Babcock. "Use of Computer Technologies by Educators in Urban Community Science Education Programs." Journal of Extension5 (2007): n. pag. Extension Journal, Oct. 2007. Web. Sept. 2015.
- Mapping the Digital Divide
- Schneider, Sandra, Donna-Jean Brock, Crystal Lane, Peggy Meszaros, and Barbara Lockee. "Using Information Technology to Forge Connections in an Extension Service Project." Journal of Extension6 (2011): n. pag. Extension Journal, Dec. 2011. Web. Sept. 2015.
- Typhinia, Eli, Robert Bardon, and Laurie Gharis. "Collaborating with Your Clients Using Social Media & Mobile Communications." Journal of Extension1 (2015): n. pag. Extension Journal, Feb. 2015. Web. Sept. 2015.
Metropolitan and rural America are highly connected and interdependent. To succeed, metropolitan America needs a healthy and sustainable rural economy and culture, and in turn rural America needs vibrant, well-functioning cities and suburbs to thrive and flourish (Dabson, 2007). Creating Opportunity and Prosperity Through Strengthening Rural-Urban Connections contains case studies on efforts underway across the country to support rural-urban connection. This issue brief, from The National Association of Development Organizations (NADO), was developed and funded by the NADO Research Foundation, through a sub-grant with the Institute for Sustainable Communities (ISC) from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
If you're interested in urban-rural research and policy, check out Isserman's article in the International Regional Science Review, 28, 4: 465-499 (October 2005), In the National Interest: Defining Rural and Urban Correctly in Research and Public Policy.
OSU Extension in the City's newest working group is Sustainable Cities, led by Myra Moss. While there are numerous sustainability definitions and indexes, one thing remains constant -- there is value in exploring the connections between neighborhoods, cities, counties, and states.
At the beginning of May, a handful of OSU employees attended the National Urban Extension Conference in Atlanta Georgia. The conference was an excellent experience with representation from 44 states, with the total number of attendees exceeding 300.
Through the various speakers, workshops, and networking, one thing became clear; urban Extension efforts are gaining momentum, and more universities are acknowledging the need for strong urban models. Extension educators and administrators from all over the country shared information on how they are able to handle unique challenges and opportunities in large cities.
The National Urban Extension Leaders held a special event for attendees to discuss their vision for the future of Extension in urban areas. This added to an already exceptional experience, assisting us in further developing the framework for advancing OSU Extension in the City.
OSU Extension professionals presented the following:
Leadership in the City - Julie Fox
Urban Youth and 4-H: Research-Based Engagement - Janice Hanna
Extension in the City - Julie Fox, Laquore Meadows, James Stiving
Vacant to Vibrant - Suzanne Mills-Wasniak, Brad Bergefurd, Tony Nye, Julie Fox
To see the conference information, click here