Extension Mobilizes to Address Urban Programming
Tuesday, August 21st, 2018
Since 2015 the Cooperative Extension Section/ECOP http://bit.ly/UrbanExtension has aligned with the National Urban Extension Leaders (NUEL) and affirmed the organization's good work. NUEL has fostered regional and national collaborations to share resources and grow Extension’s reach into urban communities. As the need for Extension Programming increases, the Section encourages membership in NUEL. NUEL continues to recruit new members into its Regional Caucuses across the five ECOP regions and has made strides in their Action Team work including professional development as they seek to build partnerships with the Joint Council of Extension Professional (JCEP) and eXtension Foundation. NUEL is developing an Urban Extension Implementation Plan to be presented to Extension Directors and Administrators during the October NEDA meeting in Portland, Oregon on October 3, Why Urban Matters to our Future Success. Directors and Administrators are invited to NUEL’s Biannual Network meeting in Raleigh, North Carolina, December 3-5, 2018 with an agenda to assess intersections of collaboration with other colleagues from your region and across the country as NUEL advances urban Extension efforts. For more information contact NUEL Chair Patrick Proden patrick.proden@ces.uwex.edu. Also, keep in mind the 2019 Semi-Annual National Urban Extension Conference (NUEC), May 20-23, 2019 in Seattle.
Sourced from ECOP Monday Minute