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The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is investing $14.2 million in 52 grants that support urban agriculture and innovative production. This investment, which includes American Rescue Plan Act funds, will allow grant recipients to expand access to nutritious foods, foster community engagement, increase awareness of climate change and mitigate the effects within urban areas, provide jobs, educate communities about farming, and expand green spaces. In total, the 52 projects were funded in 27 states. For more information and a complete list of grant recipients and project summaries, visit Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production Grants.

Sourced from NRCS USDA

The Routledge Handbook of Urban Food Governance edited by Ana Moragues-Faus, Jill Clark, Anna Davis, and Jane Battersby is now available for purchase. 

The book has 32 chapters from leading and emerging scholars and practitioners from around the world and reflects on urban food governance pasts, presents, and futures from theoretical and applied perspectives. 

You can access the introductory chapter to see a new framing of urban food governance as a free preview at this link (and buy a copy of the full book in hard copy e-copy).

red Urban October graphicOSU Extension has joined the global community to celebrate Urban October. Urban October was created by UN Habitat as an opportunity for everyone to be part of the conversation about the challenges and opportunities created by the fast rate of change in cities and towns. Ohio’s theme this year is Celebrating Our Urban-Rural Connections – Where We Live, Work, Play, Learn & Serve. Check out this 1-minute hype video and the 2022 Urban October plans.