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In Stark County, 4-H STEM activities were the focus in school, out of school, at a housing community, and with other youth-serving organizations. David Crawford, 4-H Educator, reports more than 650 youth participated in STEM programs (during the 2019 calendar year) that included Chick Quest, 10-minute science activities, and Rockets Away. In addition to increasing their subject-area knowledge, students developed an understanding of a wide variety of STEM careers. Both adult and teen volunteers were trained to facilitate activities. Eleven teens learned how to teach the Chick Quest curriculum at the Indian River Juvenile Correctional Facility. The training led Indian River administrators to request more 4-H involvement at the facility with additional STEM activities, 4-H Pet Pals visits, and career education. Follow this link to learn more. Sourced from: Ohio 4-H Youth Development 
What began as a project of five cities in 2011 to research whether summer learning programs that offer a mix of academic instruction and enrichment opportunities can boost success in school quickly turned into a commitment to understand and improve the role that summer learning plays in closing the opportunity gap for students. One of the five cities selected to participate in the Wallace Foundation’s National Summer Learning Project was Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. In 2011, the City of Pittsburgh had over 23 percent of its residents living at or below the poverty level, many of whom were low-income students attending Pittsburgh Public Schools. For some students, just attending school can be overwhelming, but layering on issues of hunger, homelessness, violence, and inequitable learning opportunities presents new challenges that low-income students are forced to overcome. Follow this link to learn more. Sourced from: Cities Speak
If every dollar or pound spent within the local economy has the potential to increase localized spending and support smaller-scale enterprise, does this mean that local food systems show similar impacts? This local multiplier effect is what Becca Jablonski, Dawn Thilmany McFadden, and their team of Agricultural Economists from across the U.S. set out to investigate. With the backing of the United States Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Marketing Service, they developed the Local Food Systems Toolkit to evaluate the economic impact of local food systems policies, programming, and initiatives, with the hopes of making the evaluation of impacts more standardized and accessible to policymakers and funders. Follow this link to learn more. Follow this link to access the toolkit. Sourced from: Urban Food Futures
Twenty-five travel grants of up to $500 each will be awarded to Urban Food Systems professionals including extension educators, state and federal agency workers, educators, and not-for-profit professionals serving the urban food system. This scholarship can be used towards lodging, registration, meals, airfare and mileage during the Urban Food Systems Symposium which is being held in Kansas City from June 3-6, 2020. Scholarship winners will also receive complimentary registration to the Pre-Symposium Workshop with Mark Winne. Important Dates: Application Open: October 15, 2019 Application Deadline: December 20, 2019 Recipients Announced: February 1, 2020 Eligibility Current professionals working in Urban Food Systems or a related field Successfully submitted statement of interest. Criteria For Selecting Professional Travel Grant Awardees The statement of interest should include: why you are interested in Urban Food Systems and how the symposium will help you develop your professional goals. Follow this link to submit your statement of interest form.

Strengthen Ohio by strengthening cities and urban-rural connections

January 29, 2020 at the Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center in Columbus This event follows the OSU Sesquicentennial Think Beyond Summit, Urban Universities, Thriving Communities on January 28, 2020 Purpose: To better understand and address:
  • Real-life context of Extension work in urban communities (scale, diversity, complexity, urban-rural interface);
  • Alignment with the National Urban Extension Leaders (NUEL) Framework and integration with university, college, and other converging interests;
  • OSU Extension's strategies to be relevant locally, responsive statewide, recognized nationally; and
  • Strengthen Ohio by strengthening cities and urban-rural connections.
Who Should Attend: The event is open to everyone interested in how OSU Extension can better address Ohio’s urban influence and urban-rural interface. Registration is $20 and includes morning refreshments and lunch. Follow this link for more information about the Summit and registration (including an opportunity to have the fee waived). Follow this link to watch this Pre-Summit Video Overview
Posted In: Urban Serving Universities
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Julie Fox participated in the National Urban Extension Leaders Steering Committee meetings last week and has shared these thoughts from the committee conversations. Ohio State University Extension is not alone in:
  • working through what “urban” means for Extension as our states continue to address the scale, diversity, and complexity in our metro areas.
  • sharing the message of it’s not urban or rural, it’s both and …
  • addressing urban (and urban/rural) issues related to water, food systems, youth development, health, civil dialogue, etc
  • understanding that issues transcend city and county boundaries
  • exploring CITY support for urban Extension – in addition to COUNTY support
  • recognizing our responsibility to provide public value in our states (urban location and diversity of residents)
  • acknowledging that many counties have urban, suburban, and rural influence
  • discussing individual behavior change and community level change through PSE and collective impact
  • considering what’s uniquely urban about Extension in densely populated communities
    • positioning (awareness and accessibility – location/s, communications, etc.)
    • programs (audiences – relevance and impacts),
    • personnel (capacity, diversity, alignment)
    • partnerships (connection and reach)
For Your Calendars:
  • NUEL NC Regional Caucus Meeting, May 2020 in Madison, WI
  • National Urban Extension Conference, Atlantic City, NJ on May 17-20, 2021 at Bally (+NYC), Themes include Rural, Suburban, Urban
Please contact Julie if you have questions.
At City Summit 2018, 50 cities committed to new initiatives to support their innovation economies. NLC’s City Innovation Ecosystems program collects and tracks these commitments in order to showcase successes, identify best practices, and connect peer cities who can learn together. One city highlighted is Akron, Ohio. In the beginning of the 20th century, Akron’s economy seemed invincible. The town was home to all four of the world’s leading producers of tires, lending it the nickname “The Rubber City.” Collectively, the city produced 80 percent of tires used in the U.S. and was at the forefront of a booming, and at the time, highly innovative sector. Follow this link to learn more. Sourced from: Cities Speak
The Ohio State Alliance Pitch to the Community is a chance to learn more about their top teams and their ideas to foster true social mobility, true equality of opportunity, and a true middle class that is attainable and sustainable. The event will be held Tuesday, January 14, 2020 from 6:30-9 p.m. at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center. Follow this link to learn more. Sourced from: The Alliance for the American Dream
Not everyone has an equal opportunity to live a long and healthy life, as is evidenced by the wide disparities in life expectancy throughout Ohio. There is much more to health than health care; the conditions in the community in which you live influence how healthy you will be and how long you will live. Being able to measure health outcomes at the very local level is important if we are to shape policies and services that improve these conditions for vulnerable communities. It is in that spirit that the U.S Small-Area Life Expectancy Estimates Project (USALEEP) came to be, and through this research, we are able to look at life expectancy at the census tract level.  Follow this link to learn more. Sourced from: The Center for Community Solutions
How can city planning increase equity for all? Sheila Foster, Professor of Law and Public Policy for Georgetown University; Anika Goss, Executive Director at Detroit Future City; and Paul Mogush, Manager of Long Term Planning for the City of Minneapolis, Minnesota; joined Jennifer Bradley, Director of the Aspen Institute Center for Urban Innovation, to discuss at CityLab 2019. Follow this link to view the video. Sourced from: The Aspen Institute 
