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Michigan State University Extension’s Community, Food, and Environment Institute is hosting a webinar series on data literacy, from data collection to analysis and visualization using open source data processing applications. The Data Literacy for Community Development Webinar Series is designed to empower community leaders and government officials with data literacy skills applicable to various community development aspects. This series will consists of four sessions:
  • Utilizing Census Data for Research and Analysis - September 19, from 11 a.m. - 12 p.m.
  • Data Visualization and Dashboard Design with Tableau Public - October 17, from 11 a.m. - 12 p.m.
  • Communicating Data with ESRI Story Map - November 14, from 11 a.m. - 12 p.m.
  • Harnessing Peer Review Sites for Tourism & Business Development - December 12, from 11 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Follow this link to learn more. Follow this link for the event flyer. Sourced from: MSU Extension

If you live in Washington D.C., Houston, or Atlanta, it might be time to take a vacation. Those three cities, followed by Seattle and Chicago, are the most overworked cities in the United States, according to a study released by the mobile technology company Kisi this past week. For those looking to catch a break at work, consider San Diego, Sacramento, and Omaha: the study rated those cities as the least work-intensive. Researchers came to these conclusions by looking at how much time people dedicate to their jobs. They looked at factors like how many hours people work in a week, how long their commutes are, how many vacation days they take and how much paid family leave they're offered. Follow this link to read more.

Sourced from: CNN  
At first glance, the housing challenges in our two states couldn’t seem more different. California’s economy ranks as the world’s fifth largest and is home to several of the most expensive housing markets in the nation. Michigan, on the other hand, is often cited as the standard for rust belt decline. Its major cities and small towns are still recovering from the disruptions of the global economic shifts that led to de-industrialization and job loss. Yet, when we look a little deeper, we find that our states are more alike than they are different. While it is true that housing costs in California are significantly higher than in the Great Lakes state, housing affordability is a major challenge in both places. Follow this link to read more. Sourced from: Cities Speak
The effects of urban development write a profound signature on the landscape. Soils are inevitably compacted and regraded or paved over. We have developed techniques that can remediate these degraded soils and provide a long-term solution toward creating a sustainable landscape post construction. When paving is not involved, we developed the "Scoop and Dump" method soil remediation and have followed its effects over 12 years of practice, measuring soil health and plant growth over the long term. Follow this link to listen to the recording. Sourced from: eXtension
Regardless of where you sit within a municipality, you will inevitably find yourself in a position of responding to human needs. Isn’t that what public service is all about? Isn’t this what we signed up for? Of course, it is not always easy to fully understand the breadth and depth of a problem our colleagues or constituents are facing. Whether you’re going through a strategic planning process, coming up with your annual budget, or managing organizational change, human needs, motivations and behaviors can be hidden and unclear, but they ultimately drive the outcomes you are seeking. Follow this link to learn more. Sourced from: Cities Speak
Cities are an engine for human prosperity. By putting people and businesses in close proximity, cities serve as the vital hubs to exchange goods, services, and even ideas. Each year, more and more people move to cities and their surrounding metropolitan areas to take advantage of the opportunities available in these denser spaces. Technology is essential to make cities work. While putting people in close proximity has certain advantages, there are also costs associated with fitting so many people and related activities into the same place. Whether it’s multistory buildings, aqueducts and water pipes, or lattice-like road networks, cities inspire people to develop new technologies that respond to the urban challenges of their day. Follow this link to read more. Sourced from: Brookings
Coming Together for Racial UnderstandingIn late 2016, the Extension Committee on Operations and Policy (ECOP) charged a small team of Cooperative Extension Service (CES) and non-Land Grant University professionals (referred to as a Rapid Response Team) to examine the current capacity of CES to respond to the need for dialogue to promote racial understanding and healing, and to provide recommendations to build CES capacity in this area. Following the April 2017 report to ECOP, the Rapid Response Team explored training options for civil dialogue on race relations to meet the need to expand capacity. Recently, a team of 23 professionals both within and outside the Land Grant University system have identified, organized, and refined a training process designed to prepare teams in participating states to serve as trainers within their own states. The Coming Together for Racial Understanding project team is launching its second train-the-trainer cohort on October 7-11, 2019, in Bloomington, MN. Teams of three per state are invited to participate, with priority given to states that did not participate in the first event last August. A preview webinar is scheduled for August 13, 2019 at 11 a.m. ET. Follow this link to learn more about Coming together for Racial Understanding Project. Follow this link to join the webinar August 13, 2019. Sourced from: Southern Rural Development Center
The American Farm Bureau Federation’s grassroots organization is looking for urban farmers to support agriculture and help reduce the rural-urban divide. To that end, the federation last week hosted the second annual meeting of its Urban County Farm Bureau Coalition. Coalition steering committee member Heidi Quinn is also the Rhode Island Farm Bureau executive director. She says her state may be urban and small, but agriculture is still a big part of its economy. Follow this link to listen to the podcast. Sourced from: American Farm Bureau Federation
