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California's 4-H Youth Development Program adopted an asset-based and systematic community development approach to studying successful Latino-serving youth development programs. This effort included a scan of Latino engagement resources and Latino-serving youth development settings as well as key informant interviews. Beyond generating important data, the research process itself facilitated impactful Latino community outreach, relationship building, and engagement, suggesting multiple potential benefits to using a community development approach in research. Follow this link to read more. Sourced from: The Journal of Extension
The National Urban Extension Conference was held May 20-24, 2019 in Seattle, WA. It is the only national gathering of Extension professionals who serve cities. The 2019 conference, “Innovation in the City: A Land Grant University Experience,” highlighted strong urban programming and Extension’s opportunity to support the university-level mission of land-grant universities in metropolitan regions. The conference educated and inspired with its urban focused presentations, mobile tours, and networking opportunities with the 350 attendees. The Ohio State University had 17 in attendance at the conference. They were Beth Boomershine, Deb Carney, Nicole Debose, Margaret Fitzpatrick, Julie Fox, Michelle Gaston, Mike Hogan, Sue Hogan, Elena Irwin, Laquore Meadows, Suzanne Mills-Wasniak, Stephen Moore, Amanda Osborne, Roger Rennekamp, Tony Staubach, Robin Stone, and Rebecca Wade-Mdivanian. Ohio State Presentations and Posters at NUEC’19 Watch for upcoming blog articles on a number of these topics.
  • Maggie Fitzpatrick - Growing into your New Home
  • Julie Fox - Essential Competencies and Innovative Practices for Urban and Latino Engagement
  • Julie Fox - Staffing: Preparing the Urban Extension Workforce
  • Mike Hogan - Increasing Diversity of MGV Programs
  • Elena Irwin - Keynote: The Urban-Rural Continuum and Connection
  • Suzanne Mills-Wasniak - The Shelter Farm
  • Amanda Osborne - Beet Food Waste
  • Tony Staubach - 4-H in the First American City
Amanda posterSuzanne posterMaggie poster                   Keynotes, Leading Edge Dialogues, and Mobile Learning Workshops The keynote presentations each day were very focused on urban Extension and covered the topics of Innovation in the City; What Matters to Metro; Diversity, Complexity, and Scale; and The Urban-Rural Continuum and Connection. The Leading Edge Dialogues for Extension leaders spotlighted six critical issues facing urban universities and cities. Each featured an opening from a panel of experts then participants delved into group discussions about the topic. Participants choose from 10 mobile learning workshops which were half-day, off-site learning opportunities about Seattle. To learn more about the conference and sessions offered visit the conference website. Stay tuned to the Extension in the City blog for more articles about the conference. The next National Urban Extension Conference will be held in Atlantic City, New Jersey on May 17-20, 2021.
Although today’s U.S. labor market is strong and unemployment is low, many working-age Americans remain marginalized. As communities across the country grapple with the challenges of an ever-evolving labor market, this report provides a framework for local leaders to grow good jobs through industrial development strategies that are based on their regions’ unique capabilities. The map provided gives details of American cities’ capabilities to host new industries, as captured by our economic complexity indices. Follow this link to access the Map of Economic Complexity. Sourced from: Brookings
The Columbus Urban Farm Tour Series is a joint project sponsored by the Franklin County Office of Ohio State University Extension, and the Columbus Urban Farmers Network. The goal of the Columbus Urban Farm Tour Series is to demonstrate to the general public the many benefits of urban farms. There is no fee or advance registration required to participate in these tours which are open to the public. Farm tours will be held rain or shine. Follow this link to learn more. Sourced from: Franklin County Extension 
What was once a vacant piece of land owned by the land bank in Marion County, Ohio has been transformed to a garden and community space for the congregation and neighbors of Mayes Community Temple COGIC. This project was made possible through sponsors and volunteers including: City Council, United Way of Marion County Ohio, Inc., Marion Public Health, The Ohio State University, and SNAP-Ed. Follow this link to learn more about Marion County Extension. Sourced from: The Ohio State University Extension, Marion County
For 50 years, educators from the nation’s land-grant universities have brought EFNEP – the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program – to low income Americans, giving them the tools they need for better eating and health. Through the shared leadership of USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) and program directors nationwide, EFNEP’s educators provide tailored lessons on diet quality and physical activity, food resource management, food safety, and food security to meet the specific needs of their respective program participants. Follow this link to read more. Sourced from: USDA
“With access to nature, we have real racial disparity in our city. If you are a middle-class kid, your parents or scout troop are making sure you have positive outdoor experiences. This is not the case for a kid struggling with not having enough food and the trauma of everyday life,” said St. Louis Mayor Lyda Krewson. “If we consciously tackle this now, we will create better outcomes for all kids today and tomorrow.” Follow this link to read more. Sourced from: Cities Speak
As civic leaders, we are challenged with balancing competing interests, all vying for position within our budgets and policy agendas. Public-space investments usually do not fare well in these calculations. And yet in Akron, they have prioritized their public spaces because the investments we make in them have a protective function in neighborhoods. These places are not just where people gather, but are central to our social, economic, and environmental policy goals. Whether it's offering midnight basketball to combat youth violence or leveraging our plazas to support downtown residential development, supporting healthy public spaces is a strategy to halt population decline and rebuild. Follow this link to read more. Sourced from: Governing 
Dr. Julie Fox received the "Leader of the Year Award" presented at the 2019 National Urban Extension Leaders Conference in Seattle, Washington. Dr. Fox is an Associate Professor with the Ohio State University College of Food, Agricultural & Environmental Sciences, she serves on the OSU Extension Leadership Team as Director of Strategic Initiatives and Urban Engagement. She also serves on OSU’s cross-campus leadership group focused on OSU’s urban mission. Research focuses on entrepreneurial leadership and urban-suburban-rural interdependencies. She has served on the Steering Committee for the National Urban Extension Leaders (NUEL), the Board of Directors for the National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals (NACDEP), and the Extension Journal Inc. Board of Directors. Working with OSU since 1998, she holds a Ph.D. in Human and Community Resource Development and a MBA in Global Management. Her background includes working in Africa, Asia, Australia, and Europe. Prior to working with OSU, she served as the executive director for an international trade association and a marketing manager for a worldwide nonprofit organization. Follow this link to learn more about the National Urban Extension Leaders. Congratulations to Dr. Fox!
The Association of Public Land-Grant University's Commission on Access, Diversity, and Excellence (CADE) and the Coalition of Urban Serving Universities (USU) 2019 Joint Summer Forum will be taking place in Boston, Massachusetts on June 27-28, 2019. The CADE and USU 2019 Joint Summer Forum agenda is filled with impactful and educational breakout sessions discussing "Creating the Future of Wellness: Inclusion, Resiliency, and Health." Join them to explore how to support students today, and better design for the future. Follow this link to learn more. Sourced from: APLU
