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Public Issues Leadership Development (PILD) is a professional development opportunity open to all Extension professionals and volunteers interested in learning leadership and advocacy skills that effect public policy issues important to Extension. Registration is open for institutional teams for the (PILD) Conference, sponsored by the Joint Council of Extension Professionals (JCEP). The PILD conference will take place in Arlington Virginia on April 14-17, 2019. A pre-Conference webinar for all registered participants will be held on March 14 at 2 p.m. ET. The webinar will help team members prepare for a successful conference and visit to Washington D.C. Learn more. Sourced from: JCEP
The Ohio State University Center for Urban and Regional Analysis (CURA) is an interdisciplinary research innovation hub that specializes in the application of Geographic Information Science (GIS), spatial statistics, and graphic visualization to urban and regional issues. They have broad interests in all aspects of urban and regional research, and collaborate with a wide range of faculty and students across campus. Follow this link to learn more. Sourced from: CURA
Whether you live in a town with a single main street or a mega city, the trees and green space in your larger neighborhood are key to the economic, human, and environmental health of you and your community. The presence, or absence, of a thriving urban forest has a direct impact on our individual and collective quality of life in more ways that most people ever realize. In order to ensure our urban trees are doing the most for us, we need to know what we’ve got. Next comes an evaluation of what is needed and how to get there. And underscoring all of that is why this investment is so important and how it pays us back. Follow this link to read more. Sourced from: Meeting of the Minds
Three years ago, the first Detroit Outdoors campers in Scout Hollow admired a pair of Red Tail Hawk parents feeding their chick nestled in a huge nest perched in a tall Sycamore Tree. The hawks’ vantage point gave them a commanding view of the 5-acre meadow and Detroit’s only campground, which had been unused for over a decade. The hawks could see what the campers below were rediscovering: nature abounds in this park on Detroit’s west side. What is your city doing to create green space. Follow this link learn about Detroit's example. Sourced from: Cities Speak
For many cities across the country, collecting data is not a problem. Most agencies do it automatically, giving cities an ample amount of data for analysis. What is more challenging, however, is using that data to make better evidence-informed decisions. Given the complex nature of analytics, city officials have struggled to understand or draw inferences from the information collected by disparate sources within municipal governments. Follow this link to read more. Sourced from: Government Technology
With some 5.6 million people in an area three-fifths the size of New York City - and with the population estimated to grow to 6.9 million by 2030 - land is at a premium in Singapore. The country has long reclaimed land from the sea, and plans to move more of its transport, utilities, and storage underground to free up space for housing, offices, and greenery. According to Samina Raja, a professor of urban and regional planning at the University at Buffalo in New York, "Urban agriculture is increasingly being recognized as a legitimate land use in cities," she said. "It offers a multitude of benefits, from increased food security and improved nutrition to greening of spaces. But food is seldom a part of urban planning." Agriculture makes up only about 1 percent of its land area, so better use of space is key. Follow this link to read more. Sourced from: This Place
For city hall change makers, 2018 was a big year. An influx of new mayors brought fresh ideas and new energy to city government. An unprecedented 35-city experiment in prototyping solutions with citizens demonstrated a nimble new way to approach urban problems. And as national governments buckled with dysfunction, cities across the U.S. and around the world proved they’re ready to tackle challenges like affordable housing, transportation, and climate change. Follow this link to read more. Sourced from:  Medium
Can urban trees and city winter weather protocols peacefully co-exist? Dr. Andrew Millward will discuss his investigation of the surprising decline and mortality of trees planted using soil cells in a recent urban revitalization project in Toronto. While the research led to salt, there were a number of other factors. The project opened a discussion about changes to the way we design and manage urban trees. Adam Nicklin will offer options to reduce salt damage to trees, and talk about the role landscape architects can play in helping the urban canopy thrive. The webinar is being held February 5, 2019, at 2 p.m. ET. Follow this link to learn more. Sourced from: Tree Fund
The health of our citizens and the safety of our environment depend on sustainable waste management systems. Cities should feel empowered to improve diversion rates and reduce waste. Examining your waste and recycling system can jumpstart local circular economies. Zero waste, or using waste from one process as a resource for others, and separating material consumption from economic growth will preserve resources, create jobs, add economic value, minimize waste, and curb greenhouse emissions. Examining our waste and recycling systems is an easy way to jumpstart local circular economies – and this, in turn, can help streamline municipal waste management systems to maximize waste diversion and use waste as a resource instead of a burden. Follow this link to read more. Sourced from: The National League of Cities
This searchable database indexes visual and geospatial solutions to critical urban problems. Examples span the city, county, state, and federal levels, and feature a wide variety of interventions and initiatives, including maps, data visualizations, and dashboards. Searchable by a project's end goal, issue area, and type of intervention, the database is a resource hub for civic leaders seeking models for replication and inspiration about how visual tools can unlock data-driven insights. Follow this link to explore the database Sourced from: Data-Smart City Solutions
