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The well-being of the United States depends upon the well-being of our children and youth. At present, populations of young people may be identified as vulnerable based on situational characteristics such as early parenthood, disconnection from school and work, homelessness, and involvement in the juvenile justice and foster care systems. Follow this link to a listing of resources.
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The National Institute of Food and Agriculture's (NIFA) 2017 Annual Report: User Inspired Science Transforming Lives is available online. This year’s annual report highlights the transformative and exciting work by NIFA-funded partners in the areas of research, education, and extension. Read NIFA’s 2017 Annual Report to learn more about how the agency’s investments are moving it closer to its vision of catalyzing transformative discoveries, education, and engagement to address agricultural challenges.
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Most mayors said people of color experienced worse treatment by police and the courts and had worse access to education, housing and health care. Follow this link to read the complete article.
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As homelessness rises nationwide, Las Vegas is taking a gamble on a new way of helping the homeless. But some say it's money that could be better spent. Follow this link to read the complete article.
Sourced from Governing