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Join other Cooperative Extension personnel, educators and our expert speakers for an exciting and knowledge-filled urban and community forestry webinar series. Covering topics such as the effects of urban forests on our health, creating storm-resilient forests, and more, the following 12 webinars aim to increase knowledge and provide resources to support educational programming. This series was developed by Southern Regional Extension Forestry with input from southeastern Extension and Outreach urban forestry experts. Follow this link for complete details.
Economic inequality is rising exponentially. The future success of the U.S. economy will hinge on our ability to invest in housing, healthcare, education, small business, and other vital services to ensure that the people and places that are being left out are able to share in the newly created value. Read the complete article and series of interviews here. Sourced from Next Street
Research has historically framed income inequality as a national issue, one best addressed through national monetary and fiscal policies that raise demand for labor and redistribute resources from the rich to the poor. Yet widening disparities across and within places in the United States, revealed in debates around wages, housing affordability, and public safety, have motivated policymakers and researchers to pay increased attention to inequality’s local dimensions. Follow the link to read the complete article on City and Metropolitan Income Inequality Data Reveal Ups and Downs Through 2016. Sourced from Brookings
Bike sharing may be the ultimate symbol of gentrification, the province of avocado-toast loving, espresso-swilling — and mostly white — millennials. But some cities are taking measures to combat that, by making it easier for low-income riders and those without a credit card or smartphone to take a two-wheeler for a spin. Follow this link to read the complete article How (and Why) Cities Are Marketing Bikes to Poor People. Sourced from Governing
Americans don’t move as much as they used to, even though people in some parts of the country fare better than others. Large metropolitan areas have stronger job growth and contribute more to GDP than small towns and rural areas. Urban residents have better health outcomes and life expectancy. Yet people are more reluctant to move to another town, state, or region. In particular, urban and rural residents are increasingly distrustful of one another. Follow this link to read the complete article Does TV Bear Some Responsibility for Hard Feelings Between Urban America and Small Town America? Sourced from Brookings
Posted In: Community Development, Workforce Development
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Every day, more than 90 Americans die after overdosing on opioids. That’s three people every hour. As if the death rate wasn’t bad enough, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that the “economic burden” of prescription opioid misuse in the United States is $78.5 billion a year, including the costs of healthcare, lost productivity, and addiction treatment. Follow this link to read the complete story on Opioid Crisis Affects All Americans, Rural and Urban.
The National Extension Web Mapping Tool (NEWT) is designed to be user-friendly for extension professionals who have no Geographic Information System (GIS) experience, but will also be useful for those familiar with GIS. NEWT provides relevant spatial data at a variety of scales (national, state, county) in a variety of formats (maps, tables, graphs) which can be useful for planning and prioritizing program topics. This webinar will explore the rationale and approach behind the development of NEWT, will demonstrate how NEWT can be used today by Extension professionals, and will provide details about how to help guide the future of the NEWT. February 22, 2018, at 2 pm EST. Learn more or register for the webinar...
In President Trump’s 2019 budget, he proposes changes to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) that would significantly reduce the efficiency and efficacy of the program.Follow this link for the complete article Penny Wise and Pound Foolish: Proposed SNAP Budget Cuts Will Reduce Outcomes. Sourced from Brookings
The Trump administration, which often stresses the need for states to have more flexibility, wants to give them less when it comes to food stamps, formally known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Follow this link to read the complete story - Trump Wants to End States' Power to Make Food Stamps More Accessible During Recessions. Sourced from Govering
Families receiving housing assistance are concentrated in poor areas that tend to have lower-performing schools, fewer services, and higher crime. Follow this link to read the complete article Hoping to Reduce Segregation, U.S. Revamps Housing Subsidy for the Poor. Sourced from Place
