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Author:  David Crawford, OSU Extension, Stark County, CED & 4-H Youth Development Educator This five-year USDA/CYFAR grant started in late 2013 and funds the efforts that address local concerns on the importance of active fathering, provides youth participants with hands-on 4-H activities to develop marketable skills,  and the improve nutritional health of targeted youths and adults in Stark, Hardin and Franklin Counties. All 4-H programs focus on active involvement and quality experiences which stimulate lifelong learning of values and skills.  More than 20 fathers and youth participated in a 2014 data collection activity to assist in designing the weGrill© program to meet the needs of participants in Stark. Program curriculum is being developed and piloted. Preliminary formative evaluation occurred during three grilling workshops in 2014 with more than 60 total youth/father participants. Needs assessment data and information gathered from these workshops are being used in the development of the curriculum. The program will be implemented in communities in 2016 after intensive piloting in 2015-2016.
Stark Site WeGrill Edited 2 The program targets adult male participants who are fathers, grandfathers, uncles, or step-fathers, and their adolescent youth ages 11-18 years old

The program targets adult male participants who are fathers, grandfathers, uncles, or step-fathers, and their adolescent youth ages 11-18 years old. Participants participate in hands on, learning activities, to incorporate the following themes: Awareness, Responsibility, Decision-making and Connection.  Each of the main topics will have a number of themes that are introduced and interwoven throughout.  Topics include compassion, commitment, forgiveness, gratitude, identity, leadership, preparation, responsibility, and respect.  A collaborative effort exists for the success of the program.  Campus researchers, 4-H, EFNEP and ANR professionals have contributed to this effort in Stark County. Our local Stark County community partner is FameFathers ( who assists in participant recruitment, planning, and program delivery/development.
Stark Site WeGrill Edited 1 Stark County, OSUE , OSU and Fame Fathers weGrill Team Members facilitate pilot sessions to evaluation curriculum and activities with youth and fathers at a Stark Metropolitan Housing Authority (SMHA) site.

“The curriculum is designed as a four session, in-person series, taught by Extension professionals, each session being approximately two hours long. The themes will tie the information for fathers (fatherhood education) and youth (4-H youth development) into an integrated learning package.  Lesson material will be augmented by father/child activity and nutrition cards that can be used during the in-person sessions and at home.  Activity cards are designed for fathers and youth to engage each other in simple activities to build stronger relationships and develop life skills.  Nutrition cards are used to demonstrate grilling techniques, recipes, serving sizes, and dietary health,” shared by Dr. James Bates, Principal Investigator, Assistant Professor, Extension Field Specialist, Family Wellness, Ohio State University Extension. The 4-H Grilling and Beyond Team looks forward to develop quality opportunities for this program effort to be replicated throughout Ohio and the nation. Reviewed by Mike Hogan, Extension Educator and Associate Professor Reviewed by:  Dr. James Bates, Assistant Professor, Extension Field Specialist, Family Wellness, Ohio State University Extension.
The United States has long welcomed people from distant shores. Ohio currently welcomes thousands of immigrants and refugees each year.  According to the Office of the United Nations High Commission on Refugees, a refugee is someone who "owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality, and is unable to, or owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country." In Ohio, most refugees have been resettled in Franklin, Cuyahoga, Montgomery, and Summit Counties. Resettlement agencies, religious organizations, and community groups are critical to helping persons adjust to their new communities by assisting with the most immediate needs of finding homes, developing English language skills, and medical care. These same organizations also assist with long term challenges such as job training. Immigrants are defined as “those who have entered the United States as a lawful permanent resident.” In a recent report by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs entitled “Growing the Heartland: How Immigrants Offset Population Decline and an Aging Workforce in Midwest Metropolitan Cities” stated that while much of the Midwest suffered net population loss between 2000-2009, the Akron, OH metropolitan area (Summit and Stark County) gained over 9,000 new residents and 54% of this was due to immigrants and refugees settling in the area. People from this population are starting businesses, buying homes, and increase the local economy. In some counties, such as Cuyahoga and Montgomery, Ohio State University Extension has worked with organizations that help refugees and immigrants develop job skills via agri-businesses, such as farms and compost facilities. Immigrants and refugees are changing the landscape of our Ohio cities, can help reverse population loss, and are becoming vibrant members of our communities. How can we best embrace and support our newest neighbors? For more information: Reviewed by: David Crawford, Educator III Stark County Extension Director & 4-H Youth Development