Franklin County
Eighteen active duty military veterans recently graduated from a five month farming and gardening training program called the Heroes Garden. The project was a collaboration between the Franklin County Office of OSU Extension and the Central Ohio Veterans Administration Healthcare System. Veterans participated in classroom sessions on urban farming and gardening topics in the early spring and then planted and maintained a vegetable garden at the new Extension Teaching and Learning Gardens at Waterman Farm on campus.
Follow this link to learn more.
Sourced from: OSU Franklin County Extension
According to the USDA, the U.S. wastes 30 to 40 percent of its food supply each year. In Franklin County, that amounted to 152,000 tons of food waste. The Solid Waste Authority of Central Ohio is looking to cut that number in half by 2030. One of their plans is to encourage "rightsizing" portions in employee training at local restaurants. This would reduce waste from restaurants that consistently over serve. Follow this link to listen to the discussion.
Sourced from: WOSU
Posted In: Ag & Natural Resources, Food Security, Production, and Human Health, Sustainable Food Systems, Urban Serving Universities
Tags: Franklin County
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Tags: Franklin County
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4-H and Ohio State University Extension Franklin County invite you to tour some of central Ohio's finest school gardens around Franklin County. Enjoy gardens at the elementary, middle school, and high school levels that range from very large to small in scale. Learn about the journey each teacher took to get the garden up and running and how the garden benefits students at the school. The tour will take place Friday, June 14, 2019 from 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Follow this link to learn more.
Sourced from: CFAES
More than 650 individuals participated in the Franklin County 4-H Clover 5K and Walk & Serve on April 6, 2019. This year, many of the 4-H youth demonstrated a new level of ownership in the planning, preparing, and presentation of the service projects that benefitted 19 non-profit organizations. They share first-hand stories about the organization’s mission while participants work on needed items for the clientele of the organization. Each non-profit finds the Walk & Serve a great place to bring awareness to their need, but also remark how important it is to keep fanning the flame of “serving” in all ages. More than 2,100 service projects were donated to various charities in one day. 4-H clubs from every part of the county dedicated a portion of their day to making this event successful. Follow this link for more information.
Posted In: 4-H Youth Development, Community Development, Engaged Ohioians, Vibrant Communities, Thriving Across the Lifespan, Urban-Rural Connection
Tags: Franklin County, Newsletter
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Tags: Franklin County, Newsletter
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